Putting New Age™ to the test | New Age™ road test
Posted on March 01 2020

The journey begins
Over the next few weeks we will be putting our New Age range to the test – a road-test, with three women of different ages and skincare histories in the driver’s seat. From super-hydrating serums to advanced light therapy treatments, endota’s next generation skincare delivers high performance, anti-ageing effects and ongoing benefits. With scientifically proven transformative results, including boosts in collagen and elastin production, our New Age range is ready to be given the green light.
Final showdown: the New Age road-test comes to an end
For the past 12 weeks, we’ve been following our New Age road-testers along their age-defying journey – on a quest for more luminous, renewed skin. Without changes to diet or lifestyle, our intrepid trio have taken the driver’s seat with a positive approach to ageing consciously, armed solely with their individual revolutionary skincare regimes.
We look into the microscope to bring you the finer details of these three astonishing transformations, illustrating that a commitment to quality skincare is able to achieve extraordinary results.
See through the lens of endota educator Madeline Briggs to discover the scientifically proven gains from New Age skin regimens, and learn from the personal experiences of our three rejuvenated road-testers.
Over the 12-week trial, all three of our dedicated road-testers noticed visible changes to the health of their skin. Hydration readings have skyrocketed, giving us quantitative evidence that these products really do hit the high notes when it comes to retaining and restoring essential moisture. No more dry, dull skin for these radiant roadies as committing to an ongoing maintenance program is now easy to justify, given the glowing results they now see before them. And plump, luminous skin is good reason to love endota New Age™, as all of our road-testers now do.